Today’s players : Tom Waits, Roger Ebert, Ramin Bahrani and Werner Herzog. Bone Machine Reverb It should come as no surprise that Tom Waits has little regard for the conventions of modern recording. His lyrics, his demeanour, his gravel throated … Continue reading →
Extravagant lighting and video productions are increasingly expected with touring acts, but a little thoughtfulness can go a long way. Massive Attack @ Myer Music Bowl, Melbourne Enhancing Massive Attack’s recent sublime musical performances during their Australian Tour, was a … Continue reading →
Some February eyeball snippets.. Sculpture Dan Hayhurst: Music, Reuben Sutherland: Animation “DIY music and animation duo, who use zoetrope record deck, tape loops, cassettes, samples, and lo-fi electronic noise, cross-fertilizing analogue and digital techniques to generate vivid sonic … Continue reading →
Pilotless floating killing machines now routinely fly over borders, grim drones of surveillance no doubt predicted by plenty of science fiction before them. The actual 21st century messiness of the drones was best nailed a near decade ago, by Patrick … Continue reading →
Long-time live cinema enthusiast, (Toby) *spark from the UK, released a video about it this week, a decent attempt at exploring some of live cinema’s essence. What is live cinema? Who makes it? Why? How? The video features interviews with … Continue reading →